Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Working abroad....

Have been takling to a good friend of mine working at Microsoft, Redmond for the last 45 mins on Yahoo messenger. He'd brought up this rather interesting question. He asked, "Why don't you try finding a job in the US?". Yes, why don't I want to do it? The reasons that I can think of for not doing it till now are..
a) i don't like working abroad... or rather i like staying back and working in india...
b) working in india would mean i am staying closer to my family (parents, sister and brother)... but Delhi also is far from home.... is it as good as staying abroad?
Money... yeah.. working in the US means earning in dollars. that definitely means a looooot of money. But, am I not happy with what I make working at Adobe? Is it only money that keeps me happy? Maybe not... I am sure Adobe is one of the very few companies in India where you can do some quality work... at least i am happy with the work I do here most of the times...
so why should I move to the US? better life...? i do not have big complaints with my life in India...

Am thoroughly confused... need to think about this and decide whether i really want to work in the US or not.....


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